This blog is the fifth in a series of ten, on the topic of sustainability; all readable on our elearning platform SDG Plus, based in Switzerland. In our previous blog, we saw the importance being given to sustainability by nations across the globe. Let us now see the tangible effects of sustainability and a lack of it. 

 The last two centuries have exacerbated the global pollution situation. The industrial age caused exponential growth but the entailing sustainability issues increased at the same rate. Human societies were not ready for a rapid, uncalculated and selective expansion. The survival and evolution practices of past millennium societies proved to be eco-friendly, viable, durable, … sustainable. How did we get to the present situation? 

Current environmentally sustainable practices across the globe 

Despite advances in technology, some places have been lucky enough to preserve their ancient traditions. These communities are thriving examples of sustainable farming and sustainable living. A low rate of technological penetration along with foresightedness of the community leaders effectively shielded these areas and their surroundings from irreversible environmental damage. 

 SDG Plus released a video on this core topic, which you can watch below. This informationrich video is part of our nano-series aiming to deliver doses of knowledge which blend with your lifestyle. 

 Sustainable and Unsustainable Practices from around the Globe

Key takeaways from this video: 

1.Starting with myself.  

To be sustainable, one can start at individual level. Small things like using towels instead of single use wipes, old newspapers to shine glass surfaces, repurposing old clothes as cloths… truly ingenuity is the limit in making optimal use of resources. 

Being careful when carrying out any form of financial transactions can also help regenerate and preserve the Earth. Simple choices one makes at individual or family level makes a difference. The mass will catch the wave sooner or later. For my part, next time I buy groceries, I’ll favour the green, bio, organic and ecologically produced stuff. Why? By choosing these products, I encourage manufacturers in this segment to stay in business and give them time to research and improve their production lines and product quality, which is anyway already superior. This, in the foreseeable future, shall help lower prices of green products. 

 2.Growing my own food 

Having one’s own veggie garden or balcony is also a meaningful green step one can take with kids. Not only will one enjoy a new hobby but at the same time will teach patience and planning. This will show young ones how small daily efforts blossom into something meaningful over time. It’ll also teach them that everything in this creation is meaningful and nothing is really wasted. How? By composting leftovers for the green garden and tuning them again into food. 

3.Talking about sustainability to my friends and family 

Sharing one’s views on the situation to one’s network can catalyse efforts in this sense. Talking about it casually and allowing oneself to be a source of knowledge on the matter can inspire those around to join the green movement. Even passive contributions count. 

SLX Learning