Sustainability Quotient


According to the latest projections, the global population could grow to around 8.5 billion in 2030 and 9.7 billion in 2050.

Did you know that we would need about three planets' worth of natural resources to maintain lifestyles for future generations at the current rate?

All this means this we have to become more sustainable right now. Take this quick quiz to get your sustainability quotient and know how sustainable you are currently.

The true performance of a company is measured through its

I talk to my family and peers about our responsibility towards society and the environment.

The Brundtland report, gave the most recognized and widely accepted definition of the term Sustainable Development, this was in the year

The Sustainable Development Goals are legally binding in all countries.

Which sector has the highest greenhouse gas emissions?

What is the leading health risk factor for death in the world?

What is Net Zero?

I prefer buying organic products

How many pairs of footwear do you have?

How many goals and targets do the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) contain?

What is your preferred mode of transportation?

I prefer to carry my own box when I want to bring food home from a restaurant.

My next automobile purchase will be an electric vehicle.

When was the first United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference held?

CSR regulations in India make philanthropy compulsory for companies

I carry my own water bottle and refill it while travelling rather than buying mineral water bottles

How many pairs of jeans do you have?

I don’t have anything left on the plate when I finish eating.

I leave the tap running when I brush my teeth?

I prefer to reuse packing materials such as boxes or plastic/paper covers.

What are MDGs?

What is the deadline to achieve the SDG goals?

If there is any food leftover at home, I prefer to

I prefer to buy products/services from brands that have sustainable practices. For example, an organisation that has a fair policy for its employees/ contributes to CSR initiatives significantly, etc.

I have a rainwater harvesting system at home.

The Sustainable Development Agenda has been adopted by ____ UN Member States.

Expand “SDGs”:

I avoid buying single-use plastic items such as plastic covers/bottles/spoons etc

Do you have garden/plants at home?

I avoid using paper napkins.

How many goals and targets do the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) contain?

I donate unused items

We segregate our waste into dry, wet and sanitary at home?

I contribute funds/ volunteer my services to NGOs or social causes.

It is proven that investing in sustainability practices does not add value to an organisation but it leads to lower financial returns.

Your score is

The average score is 44%
