
Did you know this about Polar Bears?

How well do you know Polar Bears? Take this quiz to find out!

1 / 20

1. How long can a polar bear live?

2 / 20

2. What is the average length of time a polar bear goes without food during the ice-free season?

3 / 20

3. How successful are Polar Bear hunts?

4 / 20

4. How long can Polar Bear stay underwater?

5 / 20

5. How far can Polar Bears smell?

6 / 20

6. How many cubs do polar bears have?

7 / 20

7. How large are Polar Bears paws?

8 / 20

8. What is the biggest threat to Polar bears right now?

9 / 20

9. How long to the cubs stay with their mother?

10 / 20

10. How many Polar Bears have been recorded?

11 / 20

11. Where do Polar Bears live?

12 / 20

12. True or false: Male polar bears weigh as much as 10 men.

13 / 20

13. True or False: Polar bears live in both the North and South Poles.

14 / 20

14. Which part of polar bear is poisonous to humans?

15 / 20

15. In which season are Polar Bear cubs are born?

16 / 20

16. Polar bear's home range can be enormous—far greater than any other species of bear. What factors influence this range?

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17. Polar bears are descended from an extinct breed from where?

18 / 20

18. What is the scientific name given to Polar Bears?

19 / 20

19. What colour is a Polar Bear?

20 / 20

20. True or False: Polar Bears are marine mammals.

Quiz Description

Le changement climatique et le réchauffement de la planète ont réduit la quantité de glace de mer arctique. Cette glace est importante parce que c’est ce sur quoi vivent les ours polaires et où ils chassent le phoque.

Ainsi, à mesure que la quantité de glace diminue, les ours polaires auront moins accès à la nourriture et leur zone d’habitat deviendra beaucoup plus petite. Que savez-vous des ours polaires? Découvrons-le.

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